OSCAR’s Paediatric Brain Tumour Charity

Oscars Edale Skyline Challenge 2004

Supporting Charity

On the 5th of May 2024 IceBubble joined OSCAR’s Paediatric Brain Tumour Charity for this years main event, the wonderful Edale Skyline!

Oscars are one of our chosen charities to support, as they perform miracles by supporting children with brain tumours and their families, raising awareness of signs and symptoms of this terrible disease, and funding research into better and kinder treatments.

James and Paul walked on the ten years to anniversary of when Oscar Hughes died of a brain tumour aged just 9. The charity that bears his name has helped so many other children in the same situation and the team taking on the walk are doing so to help even more.

To learn more about what Oscar’s do, head over to OSCAR’s Paediatric Brain Tumour Charity and if you would like to donate please do visit:


Thank you from all of the team at IceBubble to those who have donated so far, and, at the time of writing the goal has been completely smashed with both direct donations and Just Giving nearing £30,000!

At the top of Mam Tor!

Paul and James at the top of Mam Tor!

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